
TJMC has made great efforts to be aligned with international standards and its Clinical Medical Education first passed through International Accreditation by the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Health in 2008. Today, it aims to rank among the most internationalized medical schools in China.

TJMC has built long-term and short-term cooperative relationships with more than 50 universities, institutes and medical schools from over 30 countries and regions.

Since 1980, a series of intercollegiate cooperation agreements have been signed between TJMC and many universities worldwide, including Heidelberg University and University of Duisburg-Essen in Germany; Kyoto University, Kanazawa Medical University in Japan; John Hopkins University, Saint Louis University, University of Rhode Island, University of Iowa in the USA; and University of Western Sydney, University of Technology Sydney in Australia. Since 2007, over 300 clinical students from Germany and Japan studied or received training in TJMC.

TJMC holds a variety of international meetings or symposia to promote communication with other domestic or foreign scholars and to further expand international exchanges. Various cross-cultural exchange programs and Summer or Winter Camps were organized by TJMC under the intercollegiate agreements or with the help of Alumni.

In the battle against the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, TJMC and its 11 affiliated hospitals not only played a leading role at the clinical forefront as well as the scientific research. The number of COVID-19 research papers published by HUST scholars ranked first in the world.

Embarking on a new journey after the Covid-19 Pandemic, TJMC is now focusing on enhancing its global international competitiveness and academic influence in all respects.

1. In 2007, a symphony orchestra composed by doctors from Hamburg, Germany, performed in the 100th anniversary celebration of TJMC

2. In 2008, German Ambassador to China, Dr. Michael Schaefer and his wife visited Tongji Medical College

3. In 2008, the Rector of Heidelberg University, Germany, visited Tongji Medical College

4. In 2009, the Rector of the University of Cologne, Germany, visited Tongji Medical College

5. In 2012, Former Executive Vice-President of HUST, Professor Huang Guangying visited Juntendo University, Japan

6. In 2013, the Rector of University of Insubria, Italy, former Dean of the Medical School, Prof. Renzo Dionigi visited Tongji Medical College

7. In 2013, an intercollegiate agreement was signed with Saint Louis University, the USA

8. In 2014, Prof. Ding Lieyun, President of HUST, and the delegation visited Heidelberg University in Germany

9. In 2016, Prof. Keith Lloyd, the Dean of Swansea University Medical School, the UK, visited Tongji Medical College

10. In 2016, Prof. Wang Guobin, President of Union Hospital of HUST signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Paris Descartes University.

11. On May 19th, 2017, the HUST-Heidelberg University Day.

12. On May 21st, 2017, the HUST-UDE University Day.

13. On May 21st, 2018,  the HUST-Marburg University Day

14. On September 25th, 2018, Professor Dame Nancy Rothwell, President of the University of Manchester led a delegation to visit TJMC, to join in the  “HUST-University of Manchester Open Day”.

15. On September 7th, 2019, German Chancellor Dr. Angla Merkel visited Tongji Hospital (the Optical Valley Branch, also named Sino-German Friendship Hospital) of TJMC, HUST.

Address:  Hangkong Road 13, Wuhan, China
Tel: +86 87542457(Admission Office)  Tel: +86 83692919(International Cooperation) Office)
Tongji Medical College Huazhong University of Science and Technology