July 8th-28th, 2018, 15 undergraduates from the School of Basic Medicine, together with 24 undergraduates fromotherschoolsofTongji Medical College, HUST, participated the 2nd Workshop on Medical Science & Public Health at Brown University.
Brown University is a privateresearch-orienteduniversitybelonging toIvy League in Providence, Rhode Island. Founded in 1764, it is the seventh-oldestuniversityin U.S, most ofwhosebuildings are quaint Victorian style.The university comprises the Graduate School, Alpert Medical School, the School of Engineering, the School of Public Health and the School of Professional Studies.
The workshop was initiated in 2017 byProf. ZHENGTongzhangof Brown University, aprominentalumnus ofTongji Medical College, with theaim to promote our students'international horizon, and enhance their research capabilities in the public healthby means of lectures and hands-on team projects.
During the3-week study, more than a dozen academic masters from Brown University, Harvard University and Yale university (includingProf. Terrie Wetle, dean of the School of Public Health, Brown University;Prof. Lawrence Larson, dean of the School of Engineering;Prof. ZHENGTongzhang andProf. LIUSimin, two distinguished epidemiologists; and Frank B. Hu, the dean of the Department of NutritionofHarvard Universityand alsoa well-known alumnus ofTongji Medical Collegeetc.) came to give lectures andinteractwith our students.
In a tense but orderlyway, our students followed Prof. Zheng to learn the basic theory of modern epidemiology and to gain insight into developments in the forefront of the related research, including the history and evolution of epidemiology, quantitative measurement of disease and its interpretation, descriptive epidemiology, age cohort effects, study design etc.. At the same time, Prof. LIUoffered a glimpse of cutting-edge cardiovascular diseases and nutritional epidemiology, and a chance to visit his laboratory.After class, professors often share relevant information about cutting-edge medical researchingsto stimulateand inspirestudents. In the Seminar discussion of every afternoon, students share opinions with each other, and collaborateto complete thehomeworkand learning tasks assigned, whichhelpedpromotestudentstodigestand absorbnewknowledge.
In the free time, students visited Harvard University, MIT, Rhode Island School of Design, to experience the culture of American campus,andfeel the differences of higher education between China and the US. In addition, students also took advantage of the weekend to visit Boston, the historical and cultural city and Providence, to experience theWaterfireFestival, visit NEW PORT, COLT STATE PARK and other famous landmark buildings. Prof. ZHENGand Prof. LIUhave taken great care of the students' life and arranged dinner parties, picnic and other activities for them, whichgreatlyenriched their extracurricular life.
During workshop, the students were deeply impressed by the profound knowledgelearned,the professoralsohighlypraised our studentsof theirEnglish proficiency,learning abilityandattitude. At the end of the trip, each student received a certificate issued by theDean oftheUndergraduate SchoolofBrown University. Students reported that they hadlargelybroadened their horizons,observeddifferent learning modes and methods, and expressed their gratitude to Chinese and foreign faculty for their wonderfularrangements.