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The 4rd International Conference of Neurological Disease & 2018 Brain Network and Disease Summit (ICBND)

Author: Source: Date:September 27, 2018 Cilk Times:[]

The 4rd International Conference of Neurological Disease

& 2018 Brain Network and Disease Summit (ICBND)

September 27-30, 2018,Wuhan,China

The 2018 ICBND will be held in Tongji Medical College, Huazhong university of science and technology (HUST) in Wuhan, Hubei province. The conference is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), the Chinese Neuroscience Society (CNS) and Chinese Association for Physiological Sciences (CAPS). 2018 ICBND is sponsored by the Institute for Brain Research (IBR), Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST).

The conference will invite the world's leading scientists in the field of neuroscience research with you to discuss the relevant research progress of the diseases of the nervous system and neural network from the level of cell, molecular, and neural network. The meeting will take the Gordon model. Conference speakers must be the independent lab manager or principal investigator (PI). Most of they are invited by the organizing committee and a few are chosen from a free applicants merit. At the same time it also uses the includes show communication.

We sincerely hope you will attend the event. We believe you will make the meeting more exciting.

1. Registration fee

The fee is registered online or at the conference site. The fee includes meeting materials and lunches on the 28th, 29th and 30th.

(1) Registered before 1ST Sept, 2018

Teacher representative: RMB 2200

Student Representative: RMB 1600

(2) Registration after 1ST Sept. 2018 or on-site

Teacher representative: RMB 2500

Student Representative: RMB 2000

2. Conference paper requirements

The topic of the conference paper should cover the field of neurological diseases. The special reports on brain network research and reviews are allowed. The content of the paper is submitted in abstract form with English language, including TITTLE, ABSTRACT and KEY WORDS. The length should not exceed 1000 words. An overview paper needs to write an indicative abstract. Use Word format, single-spaced, and small-fourth characters, and the font is Times New Roman. The author's name, mailing address, work unit, zip code, and email address are required. The paper will not be returned so please leave your own draft.

Please send the conference paper directly to the Organizing Committee Contact Email: 2018icbnd@163.com

3. Meeting schedule

27th Sept., 2018: Registration

28th -30th , Sept., 2018: Opening Ceremony, Invited Report, Poster Exchange

See more details on official website: www.2018icbnd.org

4. The payment methods of registration fees, sponsorship and participation fees

(1). Registration fee payment method (please specify: name + affiliation +2018ICBND registration fee/exhibiti-

on fee): Bank transfer (Be careful not to use ATM machine for remittance. The bank receipt will not be received for the kind of remittance form)

Account holder: Hubei Society of Physiology

Account Bank: Bank of China Tongji Branch

Bank account number: 575557526130

Clearing Bank Number: 843278

(2). The payment methods onsite: cash is the only way to accept on-site registration and the society dose not have condition to credit on the off-site.

5. Official contact information

Houze Zhu, Lei Pei, Wei Wang

E-mail: wh2018icbnd@163.com

Tel: 15527296269 13477061210 15527296269

                                                                                    Hubei physiological society.

2018ICBND Chairman of the organizing committee

Youming Lu

The Institute for Brain Research (IBN), HUST

Wuhan,China 430030

Phone: 86-27-83628457;

E-mail: lym@hust.edu.cn

Address:  Hangkong Road 13, Wuhan, China
Tel: +86 87542457(Admission Office)  Tel: +86 83692919(International Cooperation)  admission@hust.edu.cn(Admission Office)
Tongji Medical College Huazhong University of Science and Technology