On August 20, Nature officially published the latest research resultsofateam of theSchool ofPublicHealthof ourCollege,titled"Reconstruction of theFullTransmissionDynamics ofCovid-19 in Wuhan".
On the basis ofapaperpublished in AprilinJAMA,which summarized thecorrelation between public health intervention measures and epidemic trend in Wuhan city, this study further evaluated the prevention and control effectsthrough mathematical model, revealingthe transmission characteristics of new coronavirus, which is conducive to more effective formulation of prevention policies and programsglobally, and it is of great significance for China to achieve the final victory against the epidemic and cope with the potential new infectious diseases in the future.The paper has attractedextensiveattentionsince itwas published online on July 16.

Our School of Public Health is the first unit to complete the paper. Dr. HAO Xingjie, Associate Professor CHENG Shanshan and Dr. WU Degang are the first co-authors. Prof. WANGg Chaolong, Prof. WU Tangchun of our College and Prof. LIN Xihong of the School of Public Health of Harvard University were co-authors of the paper.
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