This summer, take courses with medical school students across the world, from wherever you are! 2022 Tongji Summer School allows students to explore subjects like epidemiology, clinical medicine, nutrition, reproductive health, health management, traditional Chinese medicine, and more involving real-time interaction, engaging class and discussions. Each course has been especially designed to make the most of online resources and activities, and deliver the academically rigorous experience.
2022 Tongji Summer school will be taught in English remotely online. There is no hybrid or in-person option for these courses. Students won’t live in residence on campus if they enroll for a summer online course. All the courses are free to all the students.
Courses can be one or two weeks long. Please learn more information about TJSS2022 via the link:
Dates: July 11 – August 5
Time: Monday – Friday, 8:00 – 12:00 AM and 14:30-18:00 Beijing Time(Time to each course refers to the timetable.)
We welcome undergraduates, graduates, doctor-candidates, post-doctors and young scholars from worldwide universities and institutions to join us.
Good command of the English language is necessary.
Start your application by clicking the link below to enroll by June 30, 2022: []
TAs to each course will contact the students after they have finished the application.