In order to build a brand of international cooperation and enhance the strength of international education, the School of Medicine and Health Management (SMHM), TJMC successfully held two online academic lectures under the funding of "Double First-class" international scientific research joint platform cultivation program.

On July 23 and September 3, 2022, Prof. FU Qiang (Chair of Department of Community Health, School of Arts and Sciences, Tufts University, USA) and Prof. LUO Nan (School of Public Health and School of Medicine, National University of Singapore) were invited to give academic lectures, respectively. Their lectures were entitles "Methods and applications of item response theory (IRT)" and "Review of health-related quality of life (HRQoL) research in health technology assessment". The lectures were moderated by Prof. TAO Hongbing and Associate Prof. ZHANG Zhiguo in SMHM. More than 340 teachers and graduates participated in the lectures.
In Prof. FU’s lecture, he explicated the overview and history of IRT, how to apply IRT, and the command, result and explanation of IRT in Stata. In Prof. LUO’s lecture, he expanded on the definition of HRQoL, the development of HRQoL scale, the valuation method of HRQoL, and the collection and use of HRQoL data.

The two lectures broadened the participants’ horizons and deepened their understanding of the relevant methods and theories of health technology assessment. In the Q&A section, the participants raised some questions of their interest, and had in-depth discussions and communications with the two professors. In the end, the two professors expressed their intention of further cooperation with SMHM in the future.