On November 10th 2022, Professor Feng Zhanchun, Dean of the School of Medicine and Health Management of HUST, successfully held an online forum on Public Health System, which is a project activity of "Double First Class" international cooperation. The aim of the forum was to exchange the practical experiences on public health system construction in China and Thailand. More than 10 scholars and 30 students from HUST, Prince of Songkhla University, Wuhan University, Shenzhen University, and Inner Mongolia Medical University attended the forum.

First of all, Professor Feng Zhanchun and Professor Tippawan - head of the department of epidemiology of Prince Songka University - introduced the cooperation background and the basic situation of both sides. Subsequently, three Thai experts - associate Professor Rassamee, assistant Professor Wit and Professor Tippawan - presented their experiences from Thailand in terms of tobacco withdrawal during the pandemic, COVID-19 prevention and chronic disease management.

Lecturer Chenxi Liu from HUST, Assistant Professor Yang Wang from Shenzhen University, and Associate Professor Boyang Li from Wuhan University gave presentations on the public health system reform in China, such as China's COVID-19 prevention and control strategies, the healthy city plan of Shen Zhen, and the UHC in China. Finally, Professor Zhang Nan, vice dean of the School of Medicine and Health Management of Inner Mongolia Medical University, presided over the free exchange segment of the forum, and the participants from both countries held a warm discussion on the themes shared by the experts.
The successful convening of this forum enriched the practical experience and theoretical basis for the construction of public health systems in China and Thailand. The experts from both sides exchanged ideas in depth and formed a consensus on “constructing a strong public health system according to the national conditions, and comprehensively enhancing the prevention, control, and treatment capabilities”. These extensive and in-depth discussions provided ideas for the reform of the public health systems for both China and Thailand.