21 November 2022,the 2nd HUST Tongji Digital Health Salon has been successfully held by the joint efforts of School Medicine and Health Management(HUST) and College of Medicine (UF).
Professor Xinguang Chen from College of Medicine, University of Florida, has gave the talk on Innovative methods in causality research. The panelist included Prof. Hongbing Tao (HUST), the Associate Dean and Professor, School of Medicine and Health Management, and Prof. Wei Zhang (HUST), the Associate Professor in Medical Informatics has moderated the lecture.

Figure 1. Professor Hongbing Tao delivered a welcome speech
During the talk, Prof. Chen first presented the challenge of causality research in medicine and health management field, followed by vivid demonstrations of application of machine learning based analysis. Finally, he summarized the potentials of machine learning method in causality research. In the discussion, the participants has further exchange ideas on the application, limitation and future of machine learning in health-related research.

Figure 2. Professor Xinguang Chen gave a talk on causality research
Prof. Hongbing Tao has summarized that it is of critical significance to adopt innovative methods in causality research, and be aware of the pitfalls of employing in this novel method. This salon has enlightened the participants with the innovative theories and methods in causality research, and laid solid foundation for further international collaborations.

Figure 3. Poster of the 2nd HUST Tongji Digital Health Salon