Author: Source: Date:October 4, 2017 Cilk Times:[]

Job title: Professor

Phone: 86-27-83692611; 86-27-83692600 (O)

Email: yangxp@hust.edu.cn

Academic Areas: T cell differentiation, epigenetic modifications, autoimmunity, tumor immunology

Research Interests: My laboratory is interested in understanding the regulatory mechanisms of T cell differentiation by transcriptional factors, cytokine signaling pathways, and epigenetic modifications. Using multiple autoimmune, tumor and infectious models, in combination

Academic Degrees

2005 Ph.D, Biochemistry, RWTH Aachen University (Aachen, Germany)

2000 M.S, Immunology, Wuhan Institute of Biological Products, Ministry of Public Health, Wuhan, China

Professional Experience

06/2014- Professor, Director

Department of Immunology

Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan

06/2012-06/2014 Scientist

Department of Respiratory, Inflammatory and Autoimmune Diseases

MedImmune LLC, AstraZeneca, USA

06/2012-11/2016 Guest Researcher

Lymphocyte Cell Biology Section (LCBS)

Molecular Immunology and Inflammation Branch (MIIB)

NIAMS, NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA, 20892

07/2011-05/2012 Research Fellow

Lymphocyte Cell Biology Section (LCBS)

Molecular Immunology and Inflammation Branch (MIIB)

NIAMS, NIH, Bethesda, USA

02/2008–02/2011 Visiting Fellow

Lymphocyte Cell Biology Section (LCBS)

Molecular Immunology and Inflammation Branch (MIIB)

NIAMS, NIH, Bethesda, USA

07/2006- 02/2008 Postdoctoral Fellow

Sir William Dunn School of Pathology

University of Oxford, Oxford, UK

Selected Publications

  1. Yang XP*, Jiang K, Hirahara K, Vahedi G, Afzali B, Sciume G, Bonelli M, Sun HW, Jankovic D, Kanno Y, Sartorelli V, O'Shea JJ, Laurence A. EZH2 is crucial for both differentiation of regulatory T cells and T effector cell expansion. Sci Rep. 2015;5:10643.

  1. Richard AC, Tan C, Hawley ET, Gomez-Rodriguez J, Goswami R, Yang XP, Cruz AC, Penumetcha P, Hayes ET, Pelletier M, Gabay O, Walsh M, Ferdinand JR, Keane-Myers A, Choi Y, O'Shea JJ, Al-Shamkhani A, Kaplan MH, Gery I, Siegel RM, Meylan F. The TNF-family ligand TL1A and its receptor DR3 promote T cell-mediated allergic immunopathology by enhancing differentiation and pathogenicity of IL-9-producing T cells. J Immunol. 2015;194(8):3567-82.

  1. Suppressive oligodeoxynucleotides promote the development of Th17 cells. Bode C, Yang XP, Kiu H, Klinman DM. PLoS One. 2013;8(7):e67991

  1. Pandiyan P, Yang XP, Saravanamuthu SS, Zheng L, Ishihara S, O'Shea JJ, Lenardo MJ. The role of IL-15 in activating STAT5 and fine-tuning IL-17A production in CD4 T lymphocytes. J Immunol. 2012;189(9):4237-46.

  1. Hirahara K, Ghoreschi K, Yang XP, Takahashi H, Laurence A, Vahedi G, Sciumè G, Hall AO, Dupont CD, Francisco LM, Chen Q, Tanaka M, Kanno Y, Sun HW, Sharpe AH, Hunter CA, O'Shea JJ. Interleukin-27 Priming of T Cells Controls IL-17 Production In trans via Induction of the Ligand PD-L1. Immunity. 2012;36(6):1017-30.
  2. Laurence A, Ghoreschi K, Hirahara K, Yang X, O’Shea J.J. Therapeutic inhibition of Janus Kinases. Inflammation and regeneration. 2012;32 (1), 16-22
  3. Hirahara K, Vahedi G, Ghoreschi K, Yang XP, Nakayamada S, Kanno Y, O’Shea J.J and Laurence A. Helper T cell differentiation and plasticity: insights from epigenetics. Immunology 2011;134(3):235-45.
  4. Ghoreschi K, Laurence A, Yang XP, Hirahara K, O’Shea JJ. Evolving Views of the Heterogeneity and Pathogenicity of Th17 cells in Autoimmune Disease. Trends Immunol. 2011;32(9):395-401.
  5. Yang XP, Ghoreschi K, Steward-Tharp S, Rodriguez-Canales J, Zhu J, Sun HW, Wei L, Vahedi G, Kanno Y, O’Shea JJ and Laurence A. Regulation of Il-17 locus through direct, reciprocal actions of Stat3 and Stat5. Nature Immunology 2011;12(3):247-54.
  6. Hirahara K, Ghoreschi K, Laurence K, Yang XP, Kanno K, O’Shea JJ. Signal transduction pathways and transcriptional regulation in Th17 cell differentiation. Cytokine Growth Factor Rev. 2010;21(6):425-34
  7. Ghoreschi K, Laurence A*, Yang XP*, Tato CM, McGeachy MJ, Konkel JE, Ramos HL, Wie L, Davidson TS, Bouladoux N, Grainger JR, Chen Q, Kanno Y, Watford WT, Sun HW, Eberl G, Shevach EM, Belkaid Y, Cua DJ, Chen W, O’Shea JJ. Generation of pathogenic TH17 cells in the absence of TGF-β signaling. Nature 2010;467, 967-971
  8. Radtke S, Wuller S, Yang XP, Lippok BE, Stross C, Schmitz-Van de Leur H, Bode JG, Gaestel M, Heinrich PC, Behrmann I, Schaper F, Hermanns HM. Pro-inflammartory cytokines restrict IL-6 signalling through p38/MK2 mediated down-regulation of gp130. J Cell Science. 2010; 123(Pt 6):947-59.
  9. Albrecht U, Yang X, Asselta R, Keitel V, Tenchini ML, Ludwig S, Heinrich PC, Häussinger D, Schaper F, Bode JG. Activation of NF-kappaB by IL-1beta blocks IL-6-induced sustained STAT3 activation and STAT3-dependent gene expression of the human gamma-fibrinogen gene. Cell Signal. 2007;19(9):1866-78
  10. Yang XP, Schaper F, Teubner A, Lammert F, Heinrich PC, Matern S, Siewert E. Interleukin-6 plays a crucial role in the hepatic expression of SOCS3 during acute inflammatory processes in vivo. J Hepatol. 2005; 43(4):704-10.
  11. Yang XP, Albrecht U, Zakowski V, Sobota RM, Haussinger D, Heinrich PC, Ludwig S, Bode JG, Schaper F. Dual function of interleukin-1beta for the regulation of interleukin-6-induced suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 expression. J Biol Chem. 2004;279(43):45279-89.
  12. Su Y, Wang JL, Yang XP, Xue HG, Zhu JH. Study on purification and immunogenicity of Rabies virus nucleoprotein. Virologica Sinica. 2001 16(1): 64-67.


  1. Yang XP*, O’Shea JJ, Ghoreschi K, Laurence A. Signaling transduction and Th17 differentiation. In: Th17 Cells in Health and Disease. (*Corresponding author) Springer. Shuiping Jiang (Ed.), 1st edition 2011, ISBN 978-1-4419-9370-0

2. Villarino A*, Yang XP*, Hirahara K, Kanno Y, O’Shea JJ, Laurence A. Function of JAKs and STATs in Lymphocyte: Bench to Bedside. * Contributed equally and corresponding author. Springer. Thomas Decker (Ed.), 2012, ISBN: 978-3-7091-0890-1

Courses Taught

1001111 Medical Immunology (Undergraduate)

510.534 Molecular Immunology (Graduate)

510.523 Experimental Immunology (Graduate)

510.814 Proceeding of Immunology (Graduate)

510.534 Medical Research (Graduate)


Funded Projects

1. NSFC-81671539 (2017.01-2020.12, 60,0000 ¥)

2. NSFC-31470851 (2015.01-2018.12, 90,0000 ¥)

3. 1000-Youth Talents Program (2014, 200,0000 ¥)

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Tel: +86 87542457(Admission Office)  Tel: +86 83692919(International Cooperation)  admission@hust.edu.cn(Admission Office)
Tongji Medical College Huazhong University of Science and Technology