Author: Source: Date:September 6, 2019 Cilk Times:[]


Phone: (027)83692733

Email: xulpharm@mails.tjmu.edu.cn

Academic Areas:Pharmaceutical Analysis

Research Interests:Analysis of complex samples; Chromatographic technologies; Separation materials

Academic Degrees

PhD, 2009, National University of Singapore, Singapore;

M.Sc, 2004, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China.

B.Sc, 2001, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China

Professional Experience

Professor (2012-present); Tongji School of Pharmacy, HUST Associate Professor (2009-2012); Tongji School of Pharmacy, HUST

Visiting research scholar (2007-2008); University of Basel, Switzerland

Research Fellow (2004-2005); the University of Hongkong, Hongkong

Courses Taught

700633: Analytical chemistry

514510: Separation Science

Address:  Hangkong Road 13, Wuhan, China
Tel: +86 87542457(Admission Office)  Tel: +86 83692919(International Cooperation)  admission@hust.edu.cn(Admission Office)
Tongji Medical College Huazhong University of Science and Technology