Position: Associate Professor in School of Pharmacy, Tongji Medical College
Email: xiqiuliu@hust.edu.cn
Academic areas: Pharmaceutics
General Introduction
My research interests focus on biomimetic materials, drug screening models and cancer therapy.
Academic Degrees
lPh.D. in Biomaterials, 2012, University of Science and Technology of China, China
lB.S. in Biology, 2007, University of Science and Technology of China, China
Professional Experiences
lAssociate Professor (December 2016 - Current): Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
lResearch Fellow (April 2013 - December 2016):National Center for Scientific Research in France (CNRS), Grenoble, France
lPost-Doctoral Researcher (October 2012 - March 2013): Grenoble Institute of Technology, Grenoble, France
lGraduate Research Assistant (September 2007 - August 2012): School of Life Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China
Selected Publications
1.Tang R.Z., Gu S.S., Chen X.T., He L.J., Wang K.P. andLIU X.Q.*A Immobilized Transforming Growth Factor-Beta 1 in a Stiffness-Tunable Artificial Extracellular Matrix Enhances Mechanotransduction in the Epithelial Mesenchymal Transition of Hepatocellular Carcinoma.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, In press
2.LIU X.Q.*and Tang R.Z.; Localized delivery of chemokine for in vitro manipulation of hepatocellular carcinoma cell behaviors during the epithelial–mesenchymal transition.Journal of Biomaterials Applications, 2018, 32, 945–956.
3.LIU X.Q.*and Tang R.Z.; Biological responses to nanomaterials: understanding nano-bio effects on cell behaviors.Drug Delivery, 2017, 24, 1-15.
4.Wang K.P., Cheng F., Pan X.L., Zhou T.,LIU X.Q., Zheng Z.M., Luo L., and Zhang Y.*; Investigation of the transport and absorption of angelica sinensis polysaccharide through gastrointestinal tract both in vitro and in vivo.Drug Delivery, 2017, 24, 1360-1371.
5.LIU X.Q.*, Fourel L., Dalonneau F., Sadir R., Lortat-Jacob H., Weidenhaupt M., Albiges-Rizo C., and Picart C.*; Biomaterial-enabled delivery of SDF-1α at the ventral side of breast cancer cells reveals a crosstalk between cell receptors to promote the invasive phenotype.Biomaterials,2017, 127, 61-74.
6.Chang H.,LIU X.Q.,Hu M., Zhang H., Li B.C., Ren K.F., Albiges-Rizo C., Picart C.* and Ji J. *; Substrate Stiffness Combined with Hepatocyte Growth Factor Modulates Endothelial Cell Behavior.Biomacromolecules,2016, 17, 2767−2776.
7.LIU X.Q.*, Picart C.*; Layer-by-layer assemblies for cancer research and treatments,Advanced Materials, 2016, 28, 1295–1301.
8.Dalonneau F.,LIU X.Q.(co-first author),Sadir R., Almodovar J., Mertani HC., Albiges-Rizo C., Bruckert F., Weidenhaupt M., Lortat-Jacob H., and Picart C.*; The effect of delivering the chemokine SDF-1α in a matrix-bound manner on myogenesis.Biomaterials,2014, 35, 4525–4535.
9.LIU X.Q., Sun C.Y., Yang X.Z., and Wang J.*; Polymeric-micelle-based nanomedicine for siRNA delivery.Particle & Particle Systems Characterization,2013,30, 211-228.
10.LIUX.Q., Xiong M.H., Shu X.T., Tang RZ., and Wang J.*; Therapeutic delivery of siRNA silencing HIF-1 Alpha with micellar nanoparticles inhibits hypoxic tumor growth.Molecular Pharmaceutics,2012, 9, 2863-2874.
11.LIU X.Q., Song W.J., Sun T.M., Zhang P.Z., Wang J.*; Targeted delivery of antisense inhibitor of miRNA for antiangiogenesis therapy using cRGD-functionalized nanoparticles.Molecular Pharmaceutics,2011, 8, 250-259.
12.Yang W., Pan C.Y.,*LIU X.Q., and Wang J.; Multiple functional hyperbranched poly(amido amine) nanoparticles: synthesis and application in cell imaging.Biomacromolecules,2011, 12, 1523-1531.
13.LIU X.Q., Du, J.Z., Zhang C.P., Zhao F., Yang X.Z., and Wang J.*; Brush-shaped polycation with poly(ethylenimine)-b-poly(ethylene glycol) side chains as highly efficient gene delivery vector.International Journal of Pharmaceutics,2010, 392, 118-126.
14.Wu J.,LIU X.Q., Wang Y.C., and Wang J.*; Template-free synthesis of biodegradable nanogels with tunable sizes as potential carriers for drug delivery.Journal of Materials Chemistry,2009, 19, 7856-7863.
15.Yuan Y.Y.,LIU X.Q.,Wang Y.C., and Wang J.*; Gold nanoparticles stabilized by thermosensitive diblock copolymers of poly(ethylene glycol) and polyphosphoester.Langmuir,2009, 25, 10298-10304.
16.Wang Y.C.,LIU X.Q.(co-first author),Sun T.M., Xiong M.H., and Wang J.*; Functionalized micelles from block copolymer of polyphosphoester and poly(e-caprolactone) for receptor-mediated drug delivery.Journal of Controlled Release,2008, 128, 32-40.
Awards and Honors
lBest Research Article Award in 2017 China Biomedical Engineering Conference, 3rdPrize, 2017
lRecognition Award of MedEngin Business Plan Competition, 2017
lNomination Award of Prix de l’Entrepreneuriat Club France, 2016
lAmbassador of the European Association for Cancer Research, 2016
lBest Poster Award in International Forum of Biomedical Materials, Hangzhou, China, October 28th-30th, 2014
lDiscussion Leader Honor in Gordon-Merck Research Seminar: Drug Carriers in Medicine & Biology, Waterville Valley, USA,August 16th-17th, 2014
lChinese Academy of Sciences President Award for the PhD defense, 2012
lPoster Award in 9thWorld Biomaterials Congress, 2012
lOutstanding Graduate award of University of Science and Technology of China, 2012
lGeneral Electric (GE) Foundation Tech Award, 1stPrize, 2011
lChinese Academy of Sciences “Zhu Li Yue Hua” Award for Graduate Students, 2011
lGlaxoSmithKline (GSK) scholarship for graduate students in China, 2010
lPresentation Award of Academic Forum of PhD students in China, 1stPrize, 2009
lGE Foundation Tech Award, 2ndPrize, 2009
l“DongGang” scholarship for graduate students in China, 2008
Courses Taught
lCalculus (in English)
lPhysical Chemistry (both in Chinese and in English)
1.National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 81803108), Dynamic models with tunable stiffness and growth factor for study of cell behaviors and molecular mechanisms of hepatocellular carcinoma, 2019-2021,¥210,000
2.The Fundamental Research Fund for the Central Universities (No. 2018KFYYXJJ023), In vitro fabrication of a tunable extracellular matrix model to study cellular behaviors and drug responses of hepatocellular carcinoma, 2018-2020,¥80,000
3.Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province (No. 2018CFB113), In vitro study of the mechanical environment on cell behaviors and drug responses, 2018-2019,¥50,000
4.The Talent Starting Grant from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in China (No. 3004514110) , In vitro cell microenvironment construction and study of biological functions at interfaces, 2016-2019,¥500,000
5.Young Investigator grant the Association Recherche contre le Cancer (ARC) of France (No. PDF20121206052), Délivrance de chimiokines par la surface d'un biomatériau par un film à base de biopolymères: impact sur l'adhesion et la migration de myoblastes et cellules cancéreuses, 2013-2016,€90,000