Associate Professor
Phone: 027-83692745
Email: slq007@163.com
Academic Areas:pharmaceutics, biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics
Research Interests:advanced dosage forms, application of biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics to study drug absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion.
Academic Degrees
PhD Pharmacology, 2006, Huazhong Univ Sci Tech, Wuhan, China;
MS Pharmaceutics, 2001, Hangzhou, China;
BA pharmacy, 1998, Tongji medical college, Wuhan, China.
Professional Experience
Associate Professor (2009- present), Department of pharmaceutics, HUST
Visiting scholar (2011-2012), Leslie dan faculty of pharmacy, Univ of Toronto
Lecture (2003-2009), Department of pharmaceutics, HUST
Teaching assistant (2001-2003), Department of pharmaceutics, HUST
Selected Publications
Yan Xingjin#, Zhao Shouwei#, Zhu Wenwen, Rao Jing, Kang Lli, Xu Jiaqiang, Li Dan, Qin Lihui, Qiu Lixia, Li Gao, Huang Jiangeng, Si Luqin*.LC-MS/MS assay of ropinirole in rat biological matrices: elimination of lysoglycerophospho-cholines-based matrix effect.Bioanalysis. 2016;8(17):1823-35.
Xue Kewen, Li Gao, Sun Xiao, Hu Ying, Hu Lei, Huang Jiangeng*, Si Luqin*.Simultaneous quantification of fosinopril and its active metabolite fosinoprilat in rat plasma by UFLC-MS/MS: Application of formic acid in the stabilization of an ester-containing drug.J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci. 2015;990:141-9.
Hu Lei, Lv Zhenhua, Li Gao, Xu Xiaolong, Zhang Chenghao, Cao Peng, Huang Jiangeng*, Si Luqin*.Study of the in vitro metabolism of TJ0711 using ultra high performance liquid chromatography with quadrupole time-of-flight and ultra fast liquid chromatography with quadrupole linear ion trap mass spectrometry.J Sep Sci. 2015;38(11):1837-49.
Guo Weilin, Li Gao, Yang Yanxia, Yang Conglian, Si Luqin*, Huang Jiangeng*. LC-MS/MS analysis of pramipexole in mouse plasma and tissues: elimination of lipid matrix effects using weak cation exchange mode based solid-phase extraction.J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci. 2015;988:157-65.
Yang QJ#, Si Luqin#, Tang Hui, Sveigaard HH, Chow EC, Pang KS*.PBPK modeling to unravel nonlinear pharmacokinetics of verapamil to estimate the fractional clearance for verapamil N-demethylation in the recirculating rat liver preparation.Drug Metab Dispos. 2015;43(4):631-45.
Gang Zhao, Jiangeng Huang, Kewen Xue, Luqin Si*, Gao Li. Enhanced intestinal absorption of etoposide by self-microemulsifying drug delivery systems: roles of P-glycoprotein and cytochrome P450 3A inhibition. Eur J Pharm Sci, 50(3-4):429-39, 2013.
Jiangeng Huang, Lei Hu, Li Xu, Minghui Sun, Zhaoze Fan, Jun Qiu, Gao Li, Luqin Si*. In vitro enantioselective metabolism of TJ0711 hydrochloride by human liver microsomes using a novel chiral liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci, 891-892:98-101,2012.
Minghui Sun, Xuezhen Zhai, Kewen Xue, Lei Hu, Xiangliang Yang, Gao Li, Luqin Si*. Intestinal absorption and intestinal lymphatic transport of sirolimus from self-microemulsifying drug delivery systems assessed using the single-pass intestinal perfusion (SPIP) technique and a chylomicron flow blocking approach: linear correlation with oral bioavailabilities in rats. Eur J Pharm Sci, 43(3):132-40,2011.
Courses Taught
Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics, Clinical Pharmacokinetics, Nano-Pharmaceutics
·1. Effects of excipiects on the function of intestinal PepT1 (NSFC 30901860, 2010-2012).
·2. Intervention of polymeric micelle nanocarriers on the function of liver transporters/CYP450 enzymes and regulation mechanisms (NSFC 81473170 , 2015-2018).