GAO Hongxia

Author: Source: Date:October 10, 2017 Cilk Times:[]


Name: GAO Hongxia

Job title: Associate Professor



Academic Areas: Health policy in Rural Area

Research Interests: Human resources management and policy of primary health in rural area; health policy of vulnerable group

Academic Degrees

Ph.D. in Social Medical and Health Management,HUST

Master in Administration, Jilin University

Professional Experience

2002.6-Current Teaching Assistant, Lecturer, Associate Professor in School of Medicine and Health Management, HUST

2013.10-2014.10 Visiting scholar, in Department of Health Policy and Management, in University of Pittsburgh

Selected Publications

1.Yuting Zhang, Qianheng Ma, Yingchun Chen, Hongxia Gao (Corresponding author). Effects of public hospital reform on inpatient expenditure in rural China. Health Economics, 2016. DOI: 10.1002/hec.3320

2.Gao Hongxia, Liu Luhua, Zhang Lijing et al. Analysis On the Effects of County Public Hospital Reform On NCMS Inpatient Expenditure: Policy Evaluation Using DID. Chinese Journal of Hospital Administration ,2016.4(Chinese)

3.Gao Hongxia, Li Haomiao, et al. Professional development of Village Doctors. Chinese Journal of Hospital Administration ,2016.11(Chinese)

4.Liu Luhua, Li Haomiao, Gao Hongxia (Corresponding author). Analysis on Self-identity and Influencing Factors of Village Doctors. Chinese Journal of Hospital Administration ,2016.11(Chinese)

Working Papers

1.Gao Hongxia. Research on the investment risk and governance mechanism of human resource in public hospital. Science Press. 2013

2.Textbook of modern hospital management., Science Press. 2009.(Chinese, co-editor)

3.The practice and theory in hospital management. Fudan University Press, 2010 (Chinese, co-editor)

4.Management Psychology. Science Press. 2006. (Chinese, co-editor)

5.Social security, Hubei Science and Technology Press2006( Chinese, associate editor)

6.Community development and AIDS control. Science Press, 2007. (Chinese, co-editor)

Courses Taught

1. Public policy Analysis (graduate)

2.Public Administration (undergraduate)

3.Health Insurance (undergraduate)

4.Civil servant system (undergraduate) lass=MsoNormal>4.Management Psychology. Science Press. 2006. (Chinese, co-editor)

5.Social security, Hubei Science and Technology Press2006( Chinese, associate editor)

6.Community development and AIDS control. Science Press, 2007. (Chinese, co-editor)


HPS-related research funding (PI)

1.Systematic analysis on health resource in rural village and governance model research. Supported by the National social science Fund, 2015-2018.

2.Research on the model of Multiple Supply of state Health Service in Rural Areas of China, Based on the Goal of Equalization and its pathways. Supported by the National social science Fund, 2008-2011

3.Research on the formation mechanism of health risk and health promotion on the left-behind families: on the perspective of family structure detect. Supported by The Education Ministry of Humanities and Social Science of China. 2014-2016

4.Research on the pivotal role of NCMS in the development of rural health, Supported by Chinese Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities., 2013-2015

5.Research on governance and regulation in state hospital in China: In charge sub-topic 3. Supported by Ministry of Education:major project in philosophy and social science 2010-2014.

6.Research on the model of essential medicine distribution. Supported by the Health Department of Hubei Province, 2010-2012.

Address:  Hangkong Road 13, Wuhan, China
Tel: +86 87542457(Admission Office)  Tel: +86 83692919(International Cooperation) Office)
Tongji Medical College Huazhong University of Science and Technology