Curriculum Vitae for WU Qifei June 18, 2016
Name: Wu Qifei
Title: Associate professor and PhD, MSc, MA, BA
Institute: Department of Health Management
School of Medicine and Health Management
Tongji Medical College,
Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST)
Address: 13 Hangkong Road
Wuhan city, Hubei Province,
P. R. China, 430030
Telephone: 86-27-83692732 (office)
86-13554640365 (mobile)
Main research area: Health Organizational Research

MSc. major: International Public Health (from 2011 to 2012)
Awarding institute of MSc: Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, funded by CMB’s Next Generation Fellowship
MSc dissertation’s title: What causes the low enrolment rate and utilization of Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana: a qualitative study in two poor communities in India
PhD major: Social Medicine and Health Management (from 2005 to 2009)
Awarding institute of PhD: Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
PhD dissertation’s title: Research on Contractual Regulation of Township Hospital in New Cooperative Medical Scheme of China: From the Perspective of Relational Contract Theory
MA major: jurisprudence (from 1999 to 2002)
Awarding institute of MA : Law School, South-Central University For Nationalities
MA dissertation’s title: The Legalization of Euthanasia in China
BA major: Philosophy (from 1990 to 1994)
Awarding institute of MSc: Beijing Normal University
Research Projects
Ongoing research project and my role:
The past research projects:
Research on the optimal administration model for the Chinese integrated social medical insurance system—from the perspective of the relational governance of the contract between the social medical insurance agencies and healthcare providers, funded by China Medical Board in 2013, in which my role is leading researcher.
Research on Contractual Regulation of Grassroots Medical Organization, funded by National Natural Sciences Foundation Of China (NSFC) in 2008, in which my role is the leading researcher.
The Nursing Industry’s Status Quo and Its Developing Policy in Hubei Province, funded by the Health Authorities of China’s Hubei province in 2006, in which my role was the leading researcher.
The International Comparative Study of Basic Medical Care’s Regulatory Systems, funded by WHO’s Beijing Office in 2007, in which I’m a key researcher and my job included proposal’s writing, final papers’ writing and on-the-spot investigation in Thailand and China’s Hubei province, Jiangsu province, Hainan province and Zhejiang province.
Work Experience
From Oct., 2010 to Now, associate professor with Tongji Medical College, HUST
From July, 2002 to Oct., 2010, lecturer with Tongji Medical College, HUST
From Sep., 2002 to Jan., 2004, a legal expert with the Department of Medical Administration, Ministry of Health (MoH) of China and my main responsibility was to help revise China’s Administrative Regulations of Medical Organizations. During my stay in MOH, Tongji Medical College kept the position as a lecturer for me.
From July, 1999 to Jun., 2002, part-time legal assistant and lawyer with several law firms in Wuhan city, Hubei province (I passed China’s Bar Examination in 1997 and got the permit to practice as a lawyer)
From July, 1994 to Jun., 1999, teaching assistant with Tongji Medical University (Tongji Medical University was merged with Huazhong University of Technology in 2000 and became Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science And Technology)
Selected Publications
Liang Minghui, Wu Qifei, Comparative Study On Medical Quality Regulatory Modes In Both Zhejiang Province and Hainan Province, Chinese Hospital Management, 2010; 30 (10): 13-16
Wu Qifei, Ma Liping, ON the Hospital Accreditation & Medical Quality Regulation Center’s Legal Nature And Its’ Relations With Health Authorities In Hainan Province, Chinese Hospital Management, 2010; 30 (10): 17-20
Wu Qifei, On the Governance and Regulation of Non-profit Hospitals— Using the Pretended Non-profit Hospitals as An Example, Chinese Hospital Management, 2010, 30(2): 3-5
Wu Qifei, On the Contracting’s Role in Medical Organization’s Regulation, Chinese Hospital Management, 2008, 28 (8) : 3-5
Wu Qifei, Feasibility Analysis of Public Hospital’s Financing By Equity—Using the Eyeballs’ Enucleation Case in Suzhou City As An Example, Chinese Health Economics, 2008; 28 (1): 23-25
Wu Qifei, On A Few Key Problems About the Development And Regulation of Private Community Health Organizations, Chinese Hospital Management, 2007, 27 (12) : 25-30
Wu Qifei, The Retrospect and Introspection of Hospital Classification Regulatory Policy, Chinese Hospital Management, 2006, 26(2): 16- 18
Ma Liping, Wu Qifei, On the Theoretical Flaws of Chinese Public Hospital’s Simulating State-Owned Enterprise Reform, Chinese Health Economics, 2006, 25(2): 16-19