Author: Source: Date:October 10, 2017 Cilk Times:[]
Name: LI Boyang
Job title: Lecturer
Academic Areas: Health care system; Medication Safety evaluation
Research Interests:
Theoretical and field study of the health service system.
Theory and implementation of services linkage and integration in primary health care services networks.
Quality assessment of medical services and its relationship
Academic Degrees
Professional Experience
Lecturer & Post Doctoral Fellow
School of Political Science and Public Administration, Wuhan University(2012.8- 2016.6)
Lecturer School of Health and Medicine Management, HUST.
Selected Publications
Li Boyang,Zhangliang. Fracture and remodeling: Building Integrated Medical Service System.//China Health Economics,2012(07): 16-19
Li Boyang,Yeting et al. Discussion about Conceptual Framwork of Continuity Health Service in China.// China Health Economics,2011(1);07-09.
Li Boyang,Zhangxiang,et al. Crossing Chasm: the Quality Chain Management in Basic Health Service Net in Rural Area.//Medicine and Society, 2012 (04): 12-14
Li Boyang,Zhangxiang, et al. The Research on Key Evaluation Factors of Quality Chain of Vertical Continuity Service in Basic Medical Service Net in Rural Area,Medical Service Net in Rural Area.//Medicine and Society,2012 (05): 65-67
Courses Taught
Organization Behavior
1. Principal investigator (2012-2016): Research on the Management Model of Integrated Basic Medical Services in Rural China: Based on IDEF0 Theory(IDEF: ICAM DEFinition method). Competitively funded by the PRC Ministry of Education, Beijing, China.
2. Principal Investigator (2012-2014): The Impact of Models and Mechanisms of Vertical Integration of Basic Medical Service on Continuity of Care in Rural Areas. Competitively funded by The Post-Doctoral Management Committee of China, Beijing, China.