LI BoYang

Author: Source: Date:October 10, 2017 Cilk Times:[]

Name: LI  Boyang



Job title: Lecturer



Academic Areas: Health care system; Medication Safety evaluation

Research Interests: 

Theoretical and field study of the health service system.  

 Theory and implementation of services linkage and integration in primary health care services networks. 

 Quality assessment of medical services and its relationship

Academic Degrees


Professional Experience

Lecturer & Post Doctoral Fellow

School of Political Science and Public Administration, Wuhan University(2012.8- 2016.6)

Lecturer School of Health and Medicine Management, HUST.

Selected Publications

Li Boyang,Zhangliang. Fracture and remodeling: Building Integrated Medical Service System.//China Health Economics,2012(07): 16-19

Li Boyang,Yeting et al. Discussion about Conceptual Framwork of Continuity Health Service in China.// China Health Economics,2011(1);07-09.

Li Boyang,Zhangxiang,et al. Crossing Chasm: the Quality Chain Management in Basic Health Service Net in Rural Area.//Medicine and Society, 2012 (04): 12-14

Li Boyang,Zhangxiang, et al. The Research on Key Evaluation Factors of Quality Chain of Vertical Continuity Service in Basic Medical Service Net in Rural Area,Medical Service Net in Rural Area.//Medicine and Society,2012 (05): 65-67

Courses Taught

Organization Behavior


1. Principal investigator (2012-2016): Research on the Management Model of Integrated Basic Medical Services in Rural China: Based on IDEF0 Theory(IDEF: ICAM DEFinition method). Competitively funded by the PRC Ministry of Education, Beijing, China.

2. Principal Investigator (2012-2014): The Impact of Models and Mechanisms of Vertical Integration of Basic Medical Service on Continuity of Care in Rural Areas. Competitively funded by The Post-Doctoral Management Committee of China, Beijing, China.

Address:  Hangkong Road 13, Wuhan, China
Tel: +86 87542457(Admission Office)  Tel: +86 83692919(International Cooperation) Office)
Tongji Medical College Huazhong University of Science and Technology