January 20th 2018, Prof. Kristina from Karolinska Institute in Sweden and Prof. Yang Shubiao from the University of Hong Kong delivered a lecture for teachers and students in Family Planning Research Institute.

With the theme of “SPRM (Selective Progesterone Receptor Modulator) for contraception, Good for Health”, Prof. Kristina introduced her research work for SPRM in recent years and the historical background of Karolinska Institute in Sweden. Mrs. Kristina undertakes many duties in different institutions, such as the chair professor of obstetrics and gynecology in Karolinska Institute, member of the Nobel Prize Committee, chairman of ESC (The European Society of Contraception and Reproductive Health) and other positions.

Focus on the research and exploration process of “Embryo- Endometrium Interaction”. Pro. Yang Shubiao introduced the influence mechanism of let-7a expression, integrin β3 and VAV3 to embryo implantation exhaustively. Pro. Yang Shubiao is in charge of clinical embryology research lab of assisted reproduction and embryology medical center in Queen Mary Hospital in the University of Hong Kong. He has developed the first case of intracytoplasmic sperm injection in Hong Kong successfully.