Name: XIANG Wenpei
Phone: +86-13886166929
Email: wpxiang2010@gmail. com
Job title: Professor
Academic Areas
Reproductive Medicine
Research Interests
Oogenesis、 Reproductive aging and Stem cells
Academic Degrees
Ph.D. of Obstetric and Gynecology,Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology,2005. Wuhan, China.
Bachelor of Medicine, Jining Medical University,1998. Jining, China.
Professional Experience
Professor (2015-Current), Family Planning Research Institute, Tongji Medical College, HUST. Wuhan, China
Research scholar (2011-2013), University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, USA.
Associate professor(2010–2015), Family Planning Research Institute, Tongji Medical College, HUST. Wuhan, China.
Assistant Professor (2005-2010), Family Planning Research Institute, Tongji Medical College, HUST. Wuhan, China
Selected Publications
1. Wang J, Wang W, Li S, Han Y, Zhang P, Meng G, Xiao Y, Xie L, Wang X, Sha J, Chen Q, Moore PK, Wang R, Xiang WP#, Ji Y#. Hydrogen sulfide as a potential target in preventing spermatogenic failure and testicular dysfunction. Antioxid Redox Signal. 2017 May 24. doi: 10.1089/ars.2016.6968.
2. Liu Q, Kang L, Wang L, Zhang L, Xiang W. Mitofusin 2 regulates the oocytes development and quality by modulating meiosis and mitochondrial function. Sci Rep. 29; 6:30561,2016.
3. Zhang L*, Xiang W*, Wang G, Yan Z, Zhu Z, Guo Z, Sengupta R, Chen AF, Loughran PA, Lu B, Wang Q, Billiar TR. Interferon β (IFN-β) Production during the Double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) Response in Hepatocytes Involves Coordinated and Feedforward Signaling through Toll-like Receptor 3 (TLR3), RNA-dependent Protein Kinase (PKR), Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase (iNOS), and Src Protein. J Biol Chem. 2016 Jul 15; 291(29): 15093-107. (co-first author)
4. Wang L, Xu X, Kang L, Xiang W. Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells AttenuateMitochondria Damage Induced by Hypoxia in Mouse Trophoblasts. PLoS One. 11(4):e0153729,2016.
5. Chen W, Xu X, Wang L, Bai G, Xiang W. Low Expression of Mfn2 Is Associatedwith Mitochondrial Damage and Apoptosis of Ovarian Tissues in the PrematureOvarian Failure Model. PLoS One. 10(9):e0136421,2015.
6. Pang W, Zhang Y, Zhao N, Darwiche SS, Fu X, Xiang WP. Low expression of Mfn2 is associated with mitochondrial damage and apoptosis in the placental villi of early unexplained miscarriage. Placenta. 2013 Jul; 34(7): 613-8.
7. Xu XY, Pang WJ, Wen ZN, Xiang WP. Changes in human umbilical vein endothelial cells induced by endothelial nitric oxide synthase traffic inducer. J Huazhong Univ Sci Technolog Med Sci. 2013 Apr; 33(2): 272-6.
8. Bhattacharjee R, Xiang WP, Wang Y, Zhang X, Billiar TR.cAMP prevents TNF-induced apoptosis through inhibiting DISC complex formation in rat hepatocytes. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2012 May 23. [Epub ahead of print]. (co-first author)Chen QJ, Xiang WP, Zhang DK, Wang RP, Luo YF, Kang JZ, Cheng LN.Efficacy and safety of a levonorgestrel enteric-coated tablet as an over-the-counter drug for emergency contraception: a Phase IV clinical trial. Hum Reprod. 2011 Sep; 26(9):2316-21. (co-first author)
9. Zhang Y, Jiang L, Hu W, Zheng Q, Xiang WP*. Mitochondrial dysfunction during in vitro hepatocyte steatosis is reversed by omega-3 fatty acid-induced up-regulation of mitofusin 2. Metabolism. 2011, 60(6):767-75。
10. Xiang WP,Wen ZN,Pang WJ,Hu L, Xiong CL, Zhang Y. CR16 forms a complex with N-WASP in the human testes. Cell Tissue Res. 2011, 344(3):519-26.
Working Papers
1. Diagnosis of women’s infertility, Pp. 78–86; Intrauterine device, Pp. 141–147, In Xiong CL Ed., Clinical Reproductive Medicine. People’s Medical Publishing House. Beijing, China(2007).
2. Ovarian diseases, Pp. 248–264, In Xiong CL, Liu JH and Liao AH., Ed., Reproductive diseases. Fujian Science and Technology Publishing House. FuZhou, China(2007).
1. BMSC improved aged follicle development and quality via ERRa/Mfn2/mitochondrial pathway. (PI Xiang WP)(NSFC, 81571434,2016-2019).
2. The efforts of mitofusin 2 on oocytes maturation and quality via regulating mitochondrial function.(PI Xiang WP)(NSFC, 31201079,2013-2015.).
3. The clinical trial of Ulipristal acetate. for Unprotected sexual intercourse (510,000 RMB, PI Xiang WP)(Business cooperation issues,China).
4. In vitro study of NOSTRIN effect on the spermatogenesis (PI Xiang WP)(National Fund of An Institution of Higher Learning,2008-2010).
Courses Taught
Contraception and Oligogenics