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Application of Cloud Medicine in the Anti-Covid19-Pandemic

Author: Source: Date:January 7, 2021 Cilk Times:[]

        In the anti-epidemic process, Tongji Hospital Affiliated to TJMC of HUST, made full use of artificial intelligence, internet, and other technological innovations to provide cloud medical and health services such as online consultation, online health assessment, psychological counseling, medical guidance and so on for the public.

        On the day when the online consultation function was opened, the number of inquires reached 10,000 person-times, effectively alleviating the run on medical resources and cross-infection.


       Tongji Hospital Affiliated to TJMC has opened the function of “Home Isolation + Online Video Consultation”, and mailed drugs to targeting people in Wuhan City, which truely realized medical treatment at home and avoided the cross infection caused by patients running around the city.

        The mobile cabin hospital of Optics Valley Science and Technology Exhibition Center, which is managed by Tongji Hospital affiliated to TJMC, makes full use of the integrated cloud platform, 5G network, remote diagnosis, unmanned dilivery vehicle, remote monitoring and other technological products to achieve “zero infection, zero death, zero return” in the clinical treatment of the whole mobile cabin hospital.

Address:  Hangkong Road 13, Wuhan, China
Tel: +86 87542457(Admission Office)  Tel: +86 83692919(International Cooperation)  admission@hust.edu.cn(Admission Office)
Tongji Medical College Huazhong University of Science and Technology