Professor Nianguo Dong 's team from Union Hospital Affiliated to TJMC, HUST, has been committed to promoting the progress of clinical medical technology by means of Synchronous development of basic and clinical innovation. With the goal of improving surgical efficacy, the team have achieved a series of theoretical innovations and technical breakthroughs through 23 years of research.
CAR-T treated 147 patients with refractory relapsed hematologic tumors (ALL/MM/NHL) with an overall complete remission rate of 88.68%.

61,392 congenital heart disease surgeries were performed from 2007 to 2017, with the highest annual surgical volume in the world, of which 22.28% were performed on newborns and small infants and 45.3% on complex congenital heart disease, with a perioperative mortality rate of only 2.09% and efficacy comparable to top international heart centers.

The disease-free survival time has reached 45 months, which was the longest remission time patient in Central China; patients are now radiating to 14 provinces and cities, including Hubei, and consultations have also been received from patients seeking medical treatment from Russia, the United Arab Emirates, Colombia, the Philippines and other countries.

For the above achievement, Prof. DONG and his team has won the Second Prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award and the First Prize of Hubei Province Science and Technology Progress Award.